Accept it

 Live with it now

✰March 6, 2020 and everything went downhill. That last day of in person school. The last day we saw our our teachers in skin. The last time we strolled the courtyard and did school seriously. 
After the first week itself, we saw the news headlines about the Novel Coronavirus bubbling. Soon we had this micro-organism dominate our lives and taking the world in an uproar. 
The declaration of this epidemic to a pandemic and completely changing our lives. And it was here to stay. 

Our school, instead of us making our way to it, came to our homes. We were once told to put the screen down and focus on the books, now it has become, "don't look in the notes, look at what I'm sharing. Eyes on the screen. " 

What I saw was prevalent in both the beginnings of online school. Initially everyone feigned an enthusiasm in this futuristic school setup. However, it soon died down to mornings full of vague learning, responses from select people and the sound of teacher's helplessly saying "please answer, respond, participate" ricocheting off the walls of each house. 
And yes, not much has changed well into the second year of schooling like this. 
Have we forgotten that these teachers have homes too? And that they are putting the most efforts possible in order to make our classes as lively as possible?
To the "cool" kid reading this and labelling me a "nerd", kindly try and make yourself a good person.

I know for a fact that this remote learning has taken a toll on our social and mental well-being. What we need to do is make it work. Make it work and take the best of it away. By doing our part. 
We need to accept the fact that this is how it is going to roll now and that we need to make the best of it.
Please, please acknowledge and return our teacher's efforts by responding with your video on the screen. Doing the work. 
Making an effort  collectively to also let that teacher who views and returns every assignment at 1 a.m. that we listen.
Has no one wondered how utterly depressing it is to talk to a screen with total radio silence when you expected a response? This applies both ways, we miss the school atmosphere, but not put effort in order to create it.

✰To any teacher reading this, I sincerely am sorry for the lack of reciprocation of efforts. And that maybe we will collectively try to impart the same energy to you as you do to us. 
And thank you for never losing your patience even when our stubbornness 
tested you. We hope to make it up to you and hopefully make your side of the experience worthy of your time.

Until next time,


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