Common Ground

Finding Togetherness Disclaimer: I am going to use quite a few "Mean Girls" references here :) Let me start off with the obvious. We have all hated on a girl we barely know for empty-headed reasons that do not deserve the "hate her" tag. Now, I want to ask everyone reading, is it worth it to not meet an amazing, different and interesting person because of a baseless reason? More so now that we have a very limited amount of time as schoolers? I am not implying that we be best of friends but finding a common ground, a safe and sane place where we all stand together without animosity is quite an aspiration to have. How to find this common ground? ✰Recognise one common problem: Girl world is an anthill. So much is going on around every individual yet we fail to recognise the fact that everyone deals with the same issues as we do. Even the proclaimed "queen bee" has felt the same issues as anyone else. Knowing that everyone ...