Is What You Are Seeing R E A L?

Filtered Pov: you compare yourself to the glossed out world of social media. ⚡️ask yourself: Let's say you were to post a picture from your work day on Instagram. Wouldn't you primp a little more for that picture? Wouldn't you want to amp your usual work ensemble with something more present and on brand? Would you have someone click or click about 30 pictures and post the best one? This goes to show that netizens and influencers alike would post highlights . Meaning that what they would show their followers would be an enhanced picture of something everyone normally does, thus making a subtle yet noticeable difference between themselves and their audience. ⚡️insights: The world of Instagram is made out to be perfect. No doubt that there are different definitions of perfect, but at the end of the day anyone posting with a wide following would want to fit in to certain parameters created by ourselves. Standards are set on body image, appearance, picture taking skills as...